Beautiful female alligator wrestler
Beautiful female alligator wrestler

  • There would be fewer links in marine estuaries.
  • If they weren’t there and the bird population dropped, there would be fewer animals eating the insects as well. With the alligators there to eat the raccoons or keep them at bay, there are fewer raccoons to eat the young birds. These raccoons often eat bird eggs and hatchlings. A main food source for alligators is the raccoon that hunts along the water’s edge.
  • There would be fewer birds and more insects.
  • These large alligator-created “puddles” become home to all sorts of small reptiles and fish and become birdbaths and drinking spots as well. This creates holes and large depressions that become filled with water.
  • Some fish and birds would lose their homes.
  • Most small animals breed quickly and without apex predators, their numbers can outpace the food supply. Because of this, they keep smaller animal populations in check. An apex predator is a term for animals that sit at the top of the food chain.

    beautiful female alligator wrestler

  • Small animals would outbreed the food supply.
  • Here’s what we could expect to lose with the eradication of alligators:Īlligators Impact on the Florida Ecosystem: 4 problems we’d face without them If alligators became endangered it would negatively impact our delicately balanced Florida ecosystem. If we reacted this way every time an alligator encroaches on a residential area, they would be placed back on the endangered list.

    beautiful female alligator wrestler

    Some people prefer the animals are destroyed, especially if they’re very large.

    beautiful female alligator wrestler

    When the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources is called in they will relocate the animal to a safe area away from homes. When an alligator encroaches upon residential areas, people often react quickly and without thought to the animal. They have to feel comfortable with humans and that usually comes from prolonged exposure to them.īut while people may think it’s fun to feed or tease the alligators, most of them don’t want to find alligators in their pool or knocking on their doors.

    beautiful female alligator wrestler

    Most alligators don’t just venture up to a neighborhood. Stories like this of close human and alligator interaction pose a serious threat for these beautiful reptiles. She joked with reporters that he must have smelled the turkey. This past Thanksgiving there was an amusing story about an alligator in Fort Myers “knocking” on a woman’s door.

    Beautiful female alligator wrestler